
Difference Between AMOLED and Retina Display

Difference Between AMOLED and Retina Display

In the last few years, there has been a lot of discussion about AMOLED displays and Retina Displays. But what are they? And which one is better for your device? In this post, we will discuss these two types of display technologies in detail so you can make an informed decision when buying your next smartphone or tablet!

AMOLED Vs. Retina Display

AMOLED screens consume less power and generate less heat than traditional LCDs. They are also thinner and lighter because they don’t require a backlight. AMOLED displays can be made flexible, which could lead to some interesting new form factors in the future.

Retina display is a marketing term used by Apple Inc. to describe screens with a high pixel density. Apple’s definition of a Retina display is “a display resolution so high that the human eye cannot distinguish individual pixels when held at a typical distance from the eye.” So, in other words, Apple’s Retina displays have such high pixel density that when viewed normally (without magnifying), they appear to be perfectly smooth and sharp.

What is AMOLED Display?

AMOLED stands for Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode.

An AMOLED screen is made up of tiny pixels, each with its own organic compound which emits light when activated by an electric current. The compounds are organized into an active-matrix display that produces the colors you see on your smartphone or tablet’s display. This technology is also used in televisions.

AMOLED screens consume less power and generate less heat than traditional LCDs. They are also thinner and lighter because they don’t require a backlight. This makes them ideal for mobile devices. Another advantage of AMOLED displays is that they can be made flexible, which could lead to some interesting new form factors in the future.

This type of display is thinner and more power-efficient than LCDs, making it a popular choice for mobile devices. However, one downside to AMOLED displays is that they can sometimes produce a “pinkish” hue.

What is Retina Display?

Retina display is a marketing term used by Apple Inc. to describe screens with a high pixel density.

Apple’s definition of a Retina display is “a display resolution so high that the human eye cannot distinguish individual pixels when held at a typical distance from the eye.” So, in other words, Apple’s Retina displays have such high pixel density that when viewed normally (without magnifying), they appear to be perfectly smooth and sharp.

Retina displays are used in Apple’s iPhone, iPad, and Mac products. Apple pioneered the use of Retina displays in consumer electronics and they have since become popular among other smartphone and tablet manufacturers. One advantage of Retina displays is that they can display more detail than traditional LCDs. This makes them a good choice for viewing photos and videos.

What does this mean for you?

Both AMOLED and Retina Displays are good technologies but offer different benefits depending on what device you use.

In the case of smartphones, AMOLED screens are generally found in lower-end devices because it’s a relatively new technology and is still being refined. They also tend to be less expensive than their Retina Display counterparts which makes them ideal for entry-level devices that don’t come with a hefty price tag.

Retina Display screens are also good for smartphones, but their pixel density makes them better suited for tablets.

Retina Displays have a higher resolution which means they can show a larger number of apps and icons on the home screen without needing to resize anything. This is very useful when using your tablet in portrait mode or if you use icon packs that make your home screen look great.

But of course, there are also pros and cons to each type of display technology which you should consider before buying a device with either one.

In the end though, whether AMOLED or Retina Display is better for your next smartphone or tablet depends on what you want from it. If price is a major concern, then go for an AMOLED device. If you want the best resolution and image quality, then go for a Retina Display. But keep in mind that these are just general guidelines and not set in stone! So make sure to do your own research before buying a new device.

Difference Between AMOLED and Retina Displays

  • AMOLED screens consume less power and generate less heat while Retina displays consume more power and generate more heat.
  • Retina displays are better for showing a larger number of apps and icons on the home screen without needing to resize anything, while AMOLED screens are not as good for this.
  • Retina displays offer a higher resolution than AMOLED displays.
  • AMOLED displays are thinner and lighter than Retina displays.
  • Retina displays can be made into curved screens while AMOLED displays cannot.


AMOLED Vs. Retina Display is a debate that will continue for some time. Both technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages which you should consider before making a purchase.

If you’re looking for a phone with great battery life, go for an AMOLED display. If you want the best resolution and image quality, go for a Retina display. But keep in mind that these are just general guidelines and not set in stone! So make sure to do your own research before buying a new device.