
Difference Between Boomers and Zoomers

Difference Between Boomers and Zoomers

Despite being from the same generation, Baby Boomers and Zoomers have some key differences. For one, Baby Boomers are more likely to be retired, while Zoomers are more likely to be working. Additionally, Baby Boomers are more likely to be comfortable with traditional gender roles, while Zoomers are more likely to break traditional gender norms.

Baby Boomers are more likely to be politically conservative, while Zoomers are more likely to be politically liberal. While there may be other differences as well, these three examples provide a good overview of the disparities between these two groups.

It’s important to note that not everyone in each generation fits perfectly into the mold described above. There are plenty of Baby Boomers who work past retirement, plenty of Zoomers who are retired, and just as many Baby Boomers who want more progressive gender roles as there are Zoomers who want traditional roles.

However, the stereotypes above provide a good starting point for understanding some of the overarching differences between these two generations. Knowing how members of various generations differ can help you move beyond seeing them as labels to understanding the people behind those labels.

Boomers Vs. Zoomers

So what is the difference between Boomers and Zoomers?

Boomers are those born between 1946 and 1964, while Zoomers are those born between 1965 and 1980.

There are a few key distinctions between these generations. For starters, Boomers are more likely to be married and have children than Zoomers. They’re also more likely to be retired or close to retirement, while Zoomers are more likely to be in the workforce.

Boomers are also more likely to own their homes, while Zoomers are more likely to rent. And finally, Boomers are generally more conservative in their politics, while Zoomers are more liberal.

So what does this mean for marketing? Well, it’s important to tailor your messaging to appeal to each generation. Boomers are more likely to respond to traditional marketing, such as print ads and TV commercials. Zoomers, on the other side, are more likely to respond to digital marketing, such as social media and email campaigns.

It’s important to keep these distinctions in mind when targeting different generations with your marketing messages. So if you’re looking to reach Boomers, focus on traditional marketing methods, while if you’re looking to reach Zoomers, focus on digital marketing methods.

Who are Boomers?

As the name suggests, Boomers are the generation of babies that were born between 1946 and 1964. This large cohort is often characterized by their extensive life experience, as they have seen a lot of change during their lifetimes. They are also known for being avid users of traditional media such as newspapers and television.

Due to the increased fertility rate after World War II, the Boomer generation is one of the largest in history. And as they reach retirement age, they are starting to make their voices heard on issues like healthcare and Social Security. In general, Boomers are an important demographic to watch, as they continue to shape both American and global society.

Who are Zoomers?

Boomer is the common name for those born within between 1946 and 1964, usually considered to be born during World War II until about 1960. The term was coined by then journalist William Strauss who researched it in his 1999 book titled 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail.

The Zoomers are the generation born in the period of late 1990 to 2010. According to David Demko’s article published on July 26th 2013 in Forbes magazine, he coined this term after being inspired by previous generations’ names such as Baby Boomers or Generation Xers. Succeeding Generation Millennials and before Generation Alpha, Gen Zers are demographic cohort from the age of 10 to 30.

They are often characterized as being more self-centered than Boomers and relying more on new media. Zoomers have fresh opinions and unexpected ideas in the area of their interest.

Gen Z is born into a world of technology and spends most of their formative years using digital devices. This has led to them having a very different view of the world than older generations. They are used to getting what they want instantly and are very impatient. Gen Z is also known for being entrepreneurial, resourceful and global-minded.

Difference Between Boomers and Zoomers

There are several key differences between baby boomers and Zoomers, the two generations currently in the spotlight. Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, grew up during a time of great social and economic change. They are considered traditionalists, and largely rely on traditional media sources such as newspapers and television. Zoomers, those born from 1990 to 2010, have grown up with the internet and are more likely to use new media sources such as blogs and social media.

Boomers are also more self-centered than Zoomers. They are more likely to be concerned with their own health and wealth, while Zoomers are more interested in changing things for the better and helping others. This difference is largely due to the different worlds in which Boomers and Zoomers grew up. Boomers are likely to have entered the workforce when the economy was expanding rapidly, providing many opportunities for growth. Zoomers grew up in a time when the economy was contracting, forcing them to accept lower wages and fewer benefits in order to compete in the job market.

Boomers were also raised at a time when social change was constant. Between 1960 and 1980, major events such as civil rights movements, Vietnam War protests, and women’s liberation were constantly grabbing headlines. As traditionalists, boomers may be more tolerant of others but less accepting of radical ideas or policy changes that would affect their lives.


In today’s society, there are two striking generations that have stood out from the rest. They have silver hair and their kind is known as the baby boomers, those who brought about a social revolution, whose music still resonates to this day. But now they’re struggling to find purpose in life.

While at one end of the spectrum we see a self-indulgent generation of seniors living on credit cards and leaving an inheritance for their grandchildren, we also come across a group of young people: rebellious and careless (sound familiar?), choosing instant gratification over hard work and responsibility – probably because they haven’t seen either at home.