
Difference Between CAST and CONVERT Function

Difference Between CAST and CONVERT Function

The functions CAST and CONVERT are used to transform data from one data type to another. As a part of the ANSI – SQL requirements, the CAST function should be used rather than CONVERT. If you want to minimize or delete the format while still converting, you may use this function.

CAST Function Vs. CONVERT Function

While CAST may be used on any database platform, CONVERT is exclusive to SQL servers and can only be found in the SQL standard library as an ANSI function. As you can see from the examples above, there is a substantial change in syntax.

In this case, the CAST function is unable to do any of the aforementioned activities, however the CONVERT function can. The data type may be converted using a cast function, which does not need a particular format to be sent in.

Because the CAST function may be used on any database platform, it has an advantage over the CONVERT function that should not go unmentioned. Other functions have more power and flexibility than this one. This function has a basic syntax, as follows:

the value that you want to convert is called expression, and the data type into which you want to convert it is known as type [(length)]. length is an optional term, and it relates to the length of a char, varchar, binary, and varbinary-based data type.

On the other hand, the SQL server’s CONVERT function is a one-of-a-kind function. If you need a data type conversion, this function may be utilized. Date/time and money data types may both benefit from this function’s formatting capabilities. The CAST function is unable to conduct these kind of tasks, however the CONVERT function can.

In addition to being very versatile, the CONVERT function may be used to convert date/time information. This function, like CAST, requires four arguments, including the optional length parameter (length and style are optional). When compared to the CAST function, this one has a slightly different and marginally longer syntax:

Expression refers to what you want to convert, type is the data type you wish to use for the conversion, and length is an optional term; it specifies the size in bytes of the new data type in the case of char, varchar, binary, and varbinary data types, respectively. Formatting data in different data types, such as date or string, is made easier with the use of the optional parameter “style.”

CAST function

As a part of the ANSI – SQL requirements, the CAST function should be used rather than CONVERT. If you want to minimize or delete the format while still converting, you may use this function.

Because the CAST function may be used on any database platform, it has an advantage over the CONVERT function that should not go unmentioned. Still, unlike the other functions, this one is less strong and more limited in its capabilities. This function’s syntax is as simple as this:

the value that you want to convert is called expression, and the data type into which you want to convert it is known as type [(length)]. length is an optional term, and it relates to the length of a char, varchar, binary, and varbinary-based data type.

CONVERT function

The SQL server’s CONVERT function is unique. If you need a data type conversion, this function may be utilized. Date/time and money data types may both benefit from this function’s formatting capabilities. In this case, the CAST function is unable to do any of the aforementioned activities, however the CONVERT function can. Unlike the CAST function, the syntax of this function is a little more complicated and just slightly longer if you utilize optional.

type is the data type into which you want to do the conversion, expression refers to the value you want to convert, and length is an optional term it is the length of the resultant data type forchar, varchar, binary, and varbinary for varchar. Formatting data in different data types, such as date or string, is made easier with the use of the optional parameter “style.”

Difference Between CAST and CONVERT Function

  1. The CAST and CONVERT functions are quite different.
  2. In contrast to CONVERT, a SQL-specific function, CAST is an ANSI standard function that may be used across many database systems.
  3. The CAST function can be used on any database platform, however the CONVERT function can only be used on SQL Server.
  4. There is a noticeable variation in syntax as well.
  5. When compared to the CONVERT function, CAST is less versatile.
  6. CONVERT may also be used to format and convert at the same time, however CAST cannot be used for this.


A data type may be converted to another data type using CAST and CONVERT functions. As a part of the ANSI – SQL requirements, the CAST function should be used rather than CONVERT.

The CONVERT function, on the other hand, is exclusive to the SQL server. Despite the fact that CAST is a portable function, CONVERT is more versatile than CAST. Both are quite effective in their respective applications.