
Difference between Center of gravity and Centroid

Difference between Center of gravity and Centroid

Objects have a weight, which is often referred to as the mass of the object. However, both of them are different things, as mass is how much force it will take you to change the path of an object, while weight is the amount of force that gravity exerts on the object to keep it down. When it comes to balancing an object, both its mass and its weight come into importance.

When trying to find the Center of an object, you will need to figure out where the force of gravity is most concentrated. The central point of the object is where you will be able to improve its overall balance.

Centroid and the Center of gravity are two things that you might have some confusion with. Although they have probably the same concept, they are two things that differ depending on the context that they are used. To further understand them better, you will need to know how they compare.

Center of gravity Vs. Centroid

The main difference between the Center of gravity and centroid would be that the former would refer to the point where the object’s weight is focused. On the other side, the centroid is simply the geometric Center of an object. The Center of gravity is the average location of the weight on an object, and it is the point where gravity tends to act on the most. It is normally in the middle of the stick but depending on the shape; it can differ.

On the other side, a centroid is simply the Center of mass of an object of a uniform density. It is the middle of the coordinates in a set and is known to be the Center depending on the object’s vertices. It can be complicated depending on the object’s shape, but it should not be that hard to find.

What is the Center of gravity?

The Center of gravity of an object is often referred to as the focus on which the total weight of the object is. It is also known to be the Center of mass as it is where the total mass of the object is mostly concentrated. It is the point where the gravitational force of the object is acted on. Gravity plays a huge part in measuring the Center of gravity. There are cases where the Center’s mass is equivalent to the mass of the entire thing. The Center of gravity is something that is very important because it plays a big role in trying to find balance in an object.

For example, if you are going to have a can and then put it on a table, the weight of it is concentrated in the middle where the Center of gravity is. However, should it get tilted, the gravitational pull at the Center would then move, and the weight of the object moves. Thus, the Center of gravity would also move along with it. The point at which most of the weight of the object is in is referred to as the Center of gravity.

The Center of mass, which is another term for Center of gravity, denotes that the total weight of an object with a density as much as it does with those of non-uniform density. It is denoted using the symbol cg or g. the Center of gravity can be easily calculated using the formula W= S x dw, where W is the total weight of the object, x is the distance, and dw is the increment of weight.

What is a Centroid?

Centroid is known to be the term used in referring to the geometric center of any object. It denotes the Center of any object that has a uniform density. The density of the object is uniformly distributed on its body, and its Center is called the centroid.

When an object has a homogenous density, then the centroid and the Center of gravity are located in the same place. A good example would be a triangle where the intersection in the middle is where the centroid lies.

Centroid is denoted with the symbol c., and to find the centroid of an object; you might want to try out the plumb lined method that was originally proposed by the scientist Archimedes. Through a lot of practice, you would be able to find the centroid of an object easily. When you have a unique shape, you can make a cutout of the object and then get a pin to balance it out so you will be able to figure out where the Center of the object is.

Difference between Center of gravity and Centroid

  • One of the major differences between the Center of gravity and centroid would be their symbols, as the Center of gravity is equal to g or cg while the centroid is denoted with the symbol c.
  • The Center of gravity is the point where most of the weight of an object is, while the centroid is the geometrical center of an object.
  • Center of gravity can be gotten from any object of any density, but a centroid can only work with an object that has a uniform density.
  • The Center of gravity refers more to a physical definition, while the centroid tends to be a more geometrical characteristic.
  • The Center of gravity is the point where gravity acts the most on. On the other side, the centroid is the place where the Center of an object having homogenous density is located.


The Center of gravity and the centroid can be pretty confusing for the average person, and that is why there is a need to further explain it. They both use the concept of weight, density, and balance of the object. However, no matter how similar they may seem, they have proven to have a lot of differences as well.