
Difference between CFM and SCFM

Difference between CFM and SCFM

When utilizing measuring units, there are a number of things to keep in mind. The SI units and the non-SI units are the two different sorts of measurement units. The two technical units for measuring gas are SCFM and CFM.


The difference between CFM and SCFM is that CFM has no standard pressure, volume, or temperature for calculating gas volume flow, but SCFM has a standard volume, pressure, and temperature for measuring gas volume flow rate.

The terms CFM and SCFM stand for Cubic Feet per Minute and Standard Cubic Feet per Minute, respectively. Although standards differ from place to place, measuring the rate of flow of a mass in a standardized and controlled environment is more efficient and straightforward than measuring the same rate of flow of a mass in a non-standardized context.

Although many individuals use both words interchangeably, it is preferred to use the conventional cubic feet per minute measurement rather than the CFM for measuring the rate of flow of a gas or any other mass in an industry.

What is CFM?

Cubic Feet per Minute is the abbreviation for cubic feet per minute. The term itself is perplexing because there is no single definition that applies to all circumstances. Because gases are compressible, a figure of cubic feet per minute cannot be compared to another figure when it comes to mass.

A centrifugal fan is an example of a constant CFM device. The amount of air that occurs at a specific pressure or temperature is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). CFM values are always lower than SCFM values because they are calculated at a higher pressure, which reduces the volume of gas and makes it smaller.

The pressure is reduced to less than 90 psi to determine CFM. It has more to do with an air compressor’s internal capacity. It cannot be determined at any standard temperature or volume.

What is SCFM?

Standard Cubic Feet per Minute (SCFM) is an abbreviation for Standard Cubic Feet per Minute. It is the molar flow rate of a gas when it is subjected to specified pressure and temperature conditions. The mass flow rate of a gas is connected to SCFM by a multiplicative constant that only depends on the gas’s molecular mass.

There are numerous standard conditions for pressure, temperature, and even standard relative humidity, thus caution must be exercised while selecting a standard condition. After inflating the air to a standard pressure of roughly 14.7 psi, the SCFM values are determined.

To determine CFM, the pressure is decreased to less than 90 psi. It has more to do with the internal capacity of an air compressor. It’s impossible to figure out at any conventional temperature or volume.

Difference between CFM and SCFM

  1. The full form of CFM is Cubic Feet per Minute, while SCFM stands for Standard Cubic Feet per Minute.
  2. CFM is always less than SCFM since it is calculated at a higher pressure than SCFM, resulting in a lower air volume.
  3. There are no standardized units for calculating CFM values, whereas SCFM values must be derived using a set of standard pressure, temperature, and volume.
  4. CFM readings are measured at 90 psi, whereas scum is calculated when the air is expanded to a standard pressure of 14.7 psia.
  5. SCFM is more indicative of how the gas that has been pressurized to a standard value will perform at the end point applications, whereas 5.CFM is more indicative of how the gas that has been pressurized to a standard value will perform at the end point applications.


The CFM and SCFM are the most commonly used technical measuring units for determining the rate of flow of any gas. CFM stands for Cubic Feet per Minute, while SCFM stands for Standard Cubic Feet per Minute. The fundamental distinction between CFM and SCFM is that SCFM requires a completely controlled and standardized environment in order to calculate, whereas CFM does not.

As a result, SCFM is a chosen measuring unit since it has a standard temperature, volume, and pressure, resulting in a precise output. When the CFM and SCFM figures are compared, it is clear that the CFM is always less. This is because CFM is measured at a greater pressure, which causes the amount of gas to decrease and become smaller.

The CFM values are obtained at pressures less than 90 psi, whereas the SCFM values are derived after the gas has been expanded to a standard pressure of 14.7 psi. Because standardized conditions vary from place to place, values for the rate of flow of the same mass may differ in different locations.