
Difference Between Chipmunk and Gopher

Difference Between Chipmunk and Gopher

Biodiversity is abundant in our world. We have a wide range of flora and wildlife. Division, kingdom, class, order, family, species, and genus are the different classifications. Animals include mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, and other species.

Each animal has distinguishing features that set it apart from the others. Rodents include chipmunks and gophers. Rodents are mammals, and they are by far the most numerous. Their incisors are known to grow rapidly. Except for New Zealand and a few other ocean islands, rodents can be found in practically every ecosystem on the planet. Rodents include mice, squirrels, beavers, hamsters, rabbits, and others.

Gophers are members of the Geomyidae family of rodents. Their bodies are stockier, with check pouches and lined fur in black, brown, or grey. Gophers are burrowing rodents that dig holes in the ground, and their holes are noted to have a honeycomb design. They only come out throughout the day and make very little noise. They are active all year and do not go into hibernation.

Chipmunk Vs. Gopher

The difference between a chipmunk and a gopher is that a chipmunk is a little animal with dark or light stripes that belongs to the Sciuridae family, but a gopher is a rodent with cheek pouches and lined fur that belongs to the Geomyidae family.

Chipmunks are little rodents that belong to the Sciuridae family. They have dark or light stripes on their bodies and a long bushy tail. Burrowing rodents are rodents that dig tunnels in the ground. They have a habit to making a little hole in their entrance. Chipmunks are more active during the day, but they can also be seen at night. They are recognised for their high-pitched chirps, which make them exceedingly talkative.

Comparison Between Chipmunk and Gopher

Chipmunks are little rodents with dark or light stripes on their bodies, whereas Gophers are larger rodents with lined hair and cheek pouches. Chipmunks belong to the Sciuridae family, while gophers belong to the Geomyidae family. Chipmunks are found in Asia and North America, whereas gophers are found in Central and North America.

Chipmunks have a little hole in their burrow entrance, but Gophers make a honeycomb design. Chipmunks are active during the day and occasionally at night, and they hibernate during the winter, whereas Gophers are only active during the day and do not hibernate.

What is Chipmunk?

Chipmunks are rodents, which are mammals. Rodents are the most numerous category of animals. Chipmunks are members of the Sciuridae family, which belongs to the Animalia kingdom and the Phylum chordate. Chipmunks are divided into three genera: Tamias striatus (eastern chipmunk), Eutamaias sibiricus (Siberian chipmunk), and Neotamias minimus (little chipmunk) (least chipmunk).

It was initially spelled ‘chitimunk’ after the Ottawa term ‘jidmoonh,’ which means’red squirrel’ or literally “one who descends trees headlong,” but it was ultimately shortened to chipmunk. Chipmunks have been identified as approximately 25 different species.

They’re little, with dark or light stripes on their bodies, a bushy tail, and short legs. The stripes might also be brown, black, or white in colour. They are Asian and North American natives. The eastern chipmunk is the largest of the chipmunks. Chipmunks are known as burrowing animals because they dig little burrows in the ground and sometimes make their nests in trees. During the day and at dusk, they are active, and during the winter, they hibernate (western chipmunks do not hibernate). During hibernation, their heartbeat slows and they appear to be dead. Extra food is stuffed into their cheek pouches and burrows.

Chipmunks are omnivorous and are known to be gregarious creatures. They chirp at a great volume (vocal animals). Matting occurs in early spring and the second in early summer, but western chipmunks only breed once a year. They are said to assist and contribute to the forest ecology, despite their diminutive size. Their average lifespan is three years, but just a few have been reported to live longer than that (in captivity).

What is Gopher?

Gophers are rodents that are classified as mammals. Rodents are the most numerous mammals. The Geomyidae family includes gophers. They belong to the Animalia kingdom and the chordate phylum. Gophers are native to Central and North America and number about 35 species. Pocket gophers are another name for them. Gophers are classified into three groups: Thomomys (western pocket gophers), Geomys (eastern pocket gophers), and pappogeomys (pappogeomys).

Gophers are little fluffy mammals with a more stocky build. It comes with a fur lining and cheek pockets in black, brown, or grey. Gophers have small eyes and noses. They are known as burrowing rodents because of their tunneling activities; they dig a hole in the shape of a honeycomb and make shallow tunnels for foraging. Gophers don’t make a lot of noise. They hardly ever make any noises. They are solely active during the day and all year round; they do not hibernate. It is not a particularly gregarious critter, although it is known for sharing its burrows with other animals.

Gophers are herbivores who prefer to eat the roots, tubes, and tops of tiny plants. Male gophers are supposed to be larger (weighing twice as much as females). They can survive for up to three years, but five years is considered the maximum. Gophers have three or more offspring per year.

Difference Between Chipmunk and Gopher

  1. A chipmunk is a little rodent with dark or light body stripes, whereas a gopher is a stockier rodent with cheek pouches and lined fur.
  2. Chipmunks belong to the Sciuridae family, whereas gophers belong to the Geomyidae family.
  3. Gophers are native to Central and North America, whereas chipmunks are native to Asia and North America.
  4. A chipmunk digs a little hole at its burrow entrance, but a gopher digs a honeycomb pattern.
  5. Chipmunks are talkative animals, emitting a high-pitched chirping sound, but gophers are not very vocal, emitting no sound at all.
  6. Chipmunks are active during the day and sometimes at night, and they hibernate during the winter, whereas gophers are active exclusively during the day and do not hibernate.
  7. Gophers are herbivores, whereas chipmunks are omnivores.


The biggest distinction between the two is in their body form and behaviour. While there are numerous distinctions, there are also some commonalities, and both contribute to the ecosystem in good ways while also having negative consequences.

They occasionally dig extensively, causing damage to farms, utility lines, and water pipes. You can contact the persons who have been assigned to take care of it. Many of these animal species exist in our planet and will do so until they become extinct.