
Difference Between Cliché and Idiom

Difference Between Cliche and Idiom

Cliché and idiom are two words that we often use without understanding what they actually mean. If we examine them more closely, we’ll find that their meanings differ and that they can be used in different contexts.

Cliché: A cliché is a phrase or expression that has become overused and no longer seems original or unique. Clichés can be found in many languages, including English, French, German, Chinese, and Arabic.

Idiom: An idiom is an expression of a language that cannot be understood from the idiomatic words of the language alone but requires knowledge of the culture to understand its meaning.

One difference between them is that idioms don’t need to use common words to create meaning while clichés do.

Cliché Vs. Idiom

Cliché means something that has been overused to the point of becoming trite or banal.

An idiom is a figure of speech in which words are used with a meaning different from their literal one, typically as part of a metaphor.

Clichés are often used because they are easy to understand and convey some commonly known sentiment. For instance, “time heals all wounds” may have once been new and meaningful, but now it has lost its originality.

An idiom is more difficult to understand, but it conveys more meaning than just the literal understanding of the words. For example, “let’s get on with our lives” may be difficult to understand for someone who , instead of English as their first language, have some other first language.

A cliché, on the other side, is a phrase that has lost its meaning because it is overused or “worn out.”

Idioms are phrases that sound like cliches but do not carry the same meaning as clichés.

Cliché and idioms are both expressions in a language that we use to make our language flow. But these two words have different meanings.

Clichés are expressions that we often hear, think, or use when speaking. These are repeatedly used phrases or expressions.

Idioms are words or phrases where the meaning of the words is not what you would expect from their literal meaning. To understand idioms, you need to know the context of how they are used in a sentence


One of the most famous clichés is “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

The idiom “give someone a hand” means to help them with their task.

What is Cliché?

Cliché is an expression, or a phrase, that has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or novelty, especially when at some time it was considered fresh and new. An idiom is also a phrase, but it has a figurative meaning not easily deduced from the individual words of which it consists.

A cliché is a phrase or expression that people have overused so much that it has lost its meaning. Clichés can be literary, linguistic, and evoke emotions. It is often used as a form of irony and can be found in art and music as well as literature. Clichés are also very popular in Hollywood movies and other forms of entertainment.

What is Idiom?

An idiom can be a word or a phrase that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. They are expressions that cannot be interpreted as their literal, dictionary definitions. They are often used to capture the flavor of a culture or group. However, they can be used to create humor or sarcasm as well.

Idioms can be classified broadly into two categories: those with a negative connotation and those with a positive connotation. For example, “sitting on the fence” is an idiom with a positive connotation because it implies maintaining the balance between two positions. This idiom would have a negative connotation if one were sitting on the fence whilst being attacked by enemies from all sides.

Idioms are phrases that can’t be understood by taking the individual words in them. These phrases usually have figurative language that carries a meaning that is different from what the words on their own mean. They are used in everyday life and are often not known by people who don’t speak the language they originate from. An idiom is either a phrase or an expression, which conveys an idea or feeling, which cannot be translated word for word. Idioms can also act as substitutes for other expressions.

Difference Between Cliché and Idiom

  • Clichés are idioms that have both literal and figurative meanings, while an idiom is a phrase with a fixed meaning that refers to a group of words.
  • Clichés are used in normal everyday conversations, while an idiom is rarely used in everyday conversations.
  • Clichés lack freshness, while an idiom provides freshness to the sentence.
  • Clichés are avoided in professional writing, while idioms increase the level of writing.
  • Clichés give a negative vibe to the sentence. Idioms add positivity to the sentence.


Clichés are phrases that have become overused. Usually, they are used because they are clear and efficient. However, they can also be boring or unimaginative. Some people may say that clichés are phrases that have been said so many times that their meanings seem dulled.

Idioms, on the other side, do not mean what they say literally. Instead, idioms use figurative language to convey a more accurate meaning than the words would suggest by themselves.