
Difference Between Communism and Dictatorship

Difference Between Communism and Dictatorship

Communism and dictatorship are two very different concepts. Communism is a political ideology in which property, wealth, and power are shared or spread evenly among the people of an area. Dictatorship is when one person has complete control over a country, often with no input from other citizens. Though they both have similar connotations for many people, there are important differences between them that should be noted before making any assumptions about either term.

Communism Vs. Dictatorship

In a dictatorship, people have no say in what happens to them or their country. They are not able to express their opinions and the dictator makes all of the decisions for his people often abusing that power by killing those who disagree with him. In contrast, communism is an ideology where everyone shares resources equally so there’s no one person or group that has more power than anyone else.

In a communist country, people work together to make the best lives for each other, and everyone benefits from their “selfless” efforts even if they don’t have much.

What is Communism?

Communism is a political ideology in which property, wealth, and power are shared or spread evenly among the people of an area. The main tenet of communism states that everyone should work together and put aside their differences to create equality for all members of society. This means every member will have equal access to housing, food, education, and other basic needs.

The history of Communism can be traced back to the mid-17th century with the writings of English author and philosopher, Thomas More. In his book Utopia, he describes an imagined society where people live in harmony together because there are no private property rights or any kind of social class among its citizens.

The history continued to evolve during the 18th century when German thinker Karl Marx used many of More’s ideas to create his own concept of communism. Marx believed that society progressed through a series of stages, from feudalism to capitalism and eventually to socialism. He felt that socialism was the necessary next step before true communism could be reached.

What is Dictatorship?

Dictatorship is when one person has complete control over a country, often with no input from other citizens. The dictator can be an individual or a group of people and they typically have total control over the government, the military, and the media.

Dictatorship is often associated with oppressive regimes that use fear and violence to maintain control over their people. These regimes are usually not democratic and have little regard for human rights or freedom of expression.

The history of Dictatorship can be traced back to ancient Rome when Julius Caesar gave himself the title “dictator” in 44 BC. A dictatorship is a form of government where one person or group has absolute power and authority over all other people. This type of system means that no one else makes decisions for anyone but themselves, which leads to the downfall of dictatorships because they lack checks and balances.

Difference Between Communism and Dictatorship

  • Communism is a political ideology in which property, wealth, and power are shared or spread evenly among the people of an area.
  • Dictatorship is when one person has complete control over a country, often with no input from other citizens. Though they both have similar connotations for many people, there are important differences between them that should be noted before making any assumptions about either term.
  • Communism aims for equality among its citizens while dictatorship does not care for the well-being of its people.
  • Communism is a political ideology while dictatorship is an oppressive form of government.
  • In communism, the dictator is typically an individual or a group of people, while in a dictatorship, the dictator has total control over the government, military, and media.
  • Communists believe in a classless society while dictatorships have social classes.
  • In communism, the dictator allows for public input and criticism, while in a dictatorship, the dictator does not tolerate any kind of dissent.
  • Communism is about creating a utopian society where everyone lives in harmony, while dictatorship is about maintaining control over people through fear and violence.


Though they share some similarities, there are important differences between communism and dictatorship that should be noted before making any assumptions about either term. It is important to understand these differences in order to form an educated opinion about them.