
Difference Between Formal and Informal Assessment

Difference Between Formal and Informal Assessment

All educational positions need assessments. It aids all instructors in evaluating their pupils in order to make informed judgments about how well they understand them. Formal assessment and informal assessment have been categorized into two distinct types of evaluation. Detailed differences between formal and informal evaluations may be found here.

Formal Vs. Informal Assessment

Formal assessments, such as examinations, screenings, and tests, are used to determine how much a student has learnt throughout the instructional session; in contrast, informal evaluations are used by instructors to evaluate their students’ performance and skill level.

Formal evaluation is a means to objectively evaluate each student’s progress. For instructors, knowing how much a student has learnt throughout the course of a lesson is very valuable information. It is declared at the conclusion of a subject, and then the questions are asked in this form of evaluation that is linked to that topic.

Informal assessments are ones that allow instructors to gauge their students’ progress by having them participate in class presentations and other activities. It also serves as a gauge for the student’s proficiency. You may use questions that students must answer in front of the whole class to gauge their abilities.

Formal Assessment

In a formal evaluation, students are given an objective score on a test to determine their level of knowledge. You may use it to find out what the student has learnt throughout the lecture or class session. The most typical kind of formal evaluation is a test or a quiz.

Teachers utilized formal evaluations when they wish to know the students’ knowledge requirements. Teachers may learn more about their students’ performance by using formal ways of grading in exams. Students are more attentive in class because of the need for a formal evaluation.

Students who do well on their formal examinations also do well in class. Students advance to the next stage of their education by completing a formal evaluation. A formal evaluation offers an overall picture of a student’s understanding. For the following diverse objectives, formal evaluations are used:

It enables the instructor to identify the learning gaps amongst students and to determine which subject has to be discussed further.

Students’ relative skills and shortcomings may also be identified via formal evaluation by the instructor.

They may also get a sense of how much information pupils take away from a certain subject.

Informal Assessment

Students’ performance in every presentation or class activity may be judged using informal evaluations. In the absence of formal grading standards, it may be used to gauge a student’s development. Presentations made by students in class or at any other time are excellent instances of informal evaluations..

Informal assessments include project-based tasks and presentations. Students’ self-esteem is boosted as a result. All informal evaluations, including tests, quizzes, grades, and writing samples, fall within this category. Teachers don’t score students during informal assessments, but they do look at their performance throughout the presentation to see how they’re doing.

Informal assessment is used to check on the development of students and identify any problems or issues they may be having. Informal evaluation may be used for the following purposes:

  1. Students’ practical abilities may be assessed via informal assessments.
  2. For the informal evaluation, students are assigned projects and speeches.
  3. No criteria are determined on to evaluate the performance of pupils via a presentation in the informal evaluation.

Difference Between Formal and Informal Assessment

  • First, students’ performance is evaluated by formal evaluations, which include examinations on the prior subject. Second, students’ performance is evaluated through their ability to articulate their ideas in class.
  • Formal assessments include exams and quizzes, whereas informal assessments include presentations and assignments.
  • Students’ performance is always evaluated using standard criteria in formal evaluation, however in informal assessment, there are no such standard standards.
  • Formal assessments are used to determine how much information pupils have absorbed in class. informal evaluations are used to evaluate student performance.
  • Standardized exams are always used in formal evaluation, whereas observations are used in informal assessment.


In the learning phase, both official and informal evaluations are necessary. They may be put to good use in the fields of education and training. Formal assessments are used to monitor pupils’ academic development. Informal evaluations are often utilized to monitor pupils’ development and skill level.

Students’ intellectual and functional performance are evaluated using both exams. They each have unique advantages, but when used together, they give instructors with a wealth of information on their students. Students’ desire to improve their grades is bolstered by both official and informal assessments.