
Difference between Gaviscon and Gaviscon Advance

Difference between Gaviscon and Gaviscon Advance

There are different types of acids produced by the human stomach. These acids include hydrochloric acid that helps to ease digestion and kill various germs and bacteria present in the stomach. The acid, however, can burn your inner lining. The body as a result produces mucus that is meant to protect the stomach from getting eroded.

Acid reflux occurs as a result of indigestion, heartburn, or the inflammation of oesophagitis.

Antacids have the purpose of reducing the acids in the stomach. They are basic and their reaction with acids in the stomach causes the acids to neutralize. The two most popular antacids are Gaviscon and Gaviscon Advance. If you often get confused when purchasing either of these two antacids, the content here within will be of great help.

Gaviscon Vs. Gaviscon Advance

Gaviscon contains components such as calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and Sodium Alginate. Both Gaviscon and Gaviscon Advance are powerful antacids but the Advance has more components of Sodium Alginate. This is what makes it more efficient when compared to the Gaviscon.

Gaviscon can be found in liquid sachets and is less effective in curing acidity when compared to Gaviscon Advance.

The Gaviscon Advance forms a stronger cover or barrier for the stomach lining preventing acids from corroding it. It is, therefore, more effective than the Gaviscon alone. It is also available in the market and comes in liquid sachets. It is a better option when needed to cure acidity.

Comparison between Gaviscon and Gaviscon Advance

  • Components found in Gaviscon include; Calcium Carbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate, and Sodium Alginate. Those found in Gaviscon Advance include Potassium Bicarbonate and Sodium Alginate.
  • The Sodium Alginate in Gaviscon is half the quantity found in Gaviscon Advance, meaning that it is twice as much in Gaviscon Advance.
  • The cover formed on the inner lining by Gaviscon is not effective and acids could still corrode this stomach lining. Gaviscon Advance on the other hand has a strong barrier on the stomach lining which prevents acids from burning it.
  • Gaviscon is found in the market in the form of liquid tablets or liquid sachets while Gaviscon Advance is available in the market in liquid and tablets.
  • Gaviscon is not as effective as the Gaviscon Advance in curing acidity issues.

What is Gaviscon?

Gaviscon is a type of antacid that is mainly given for heartburn and dyspepsia. Dyspepsia in simple terms means acidity. Its main purpose is to neutralize excess acid that could cause heartburn or even corrode the stomach’s inner lining.

When the stomach lining is corroded by excess acids, it results in ulcers. Issues of indigestion and regurgitation are also a result of excess acids.

Gaviscon is an effective antacid that helps to treat belching and heartburn that is as a result of acid reflux. It is advised that a doctor must have prescribed the antacid before you proceed to get them over the counter.

It is available in pharmacies and readily available in the market in liquid tablets and liquid sachets.

What is Gaviscon Advance?

Gaviscon Advance is an advanced option of the original Gaviscon. It is much more effective in neutralizing acids and protecting the stomach’s inner lining when compared to the original Gaviscon. However, both antacids, that is, Gaviscon and Gaviscon advance are safe prescriptions that can also be taken during pregnancy.

These are antacids that can only be found and purchased from a pharmacy. They are both twice as effective in treating acidity issues when compared to other available antacids on the market.

Gaviscon Advance has more effective constituents as compared to the original Gaviscon. It has better packaging and works two times faster and better than the original Gaviscon.

Gaviscon Advance consists of Potassium Bicarbonate and Sodium Alginate. The quantity of the Sodium Alginate in the Gaviscon Advance is twice the quantity in the original Gaviscon.

Difference Between Gaviscon and Gaviscon Advance

  • Gaviscon has components that include; Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Alginate, and Calcium Carbonate. Gaviscon Advance on the other hand has Potassium Bicarbonate and Sodium Alginate.
  • The percentage of Sodium Alginate present in the Gaviscon is half the amount in the Gaviscon Advance. What this means is the Sodium Alginate in the Gaviscon Advance is twice the amount in the original Gaviscon.
  • The cover or barrier that the Gaviscon forms to protect the inner lining of the stomach is less effective. This means that corrosion caused by the acid can still occur to this lining. On the other hand, the barrier formed by the Gaviscon Advance is strong and effective in protecting the stomach’s inner lining from corrosion by the acid.
  • Gaviscon is available in the market and can be found in liquid tablets or liquid sachets. Gaviscon Advance on the other hand is found in liquids and tablets.
  • Gaviscon is not as effective as the Gaviscon advance in curing acidity. While both are used to neutralize the excess acids in the body, the advance works twice faster when compared to the original Gaviscon.


In conclusion, both the Gaviscon and Gaviscon advance are prescribed by the doctor for acidity issues and work better than other antacids on the market. They have a rapid action to treat issues of acidity and heartburn. Although they have similarities in their packaging at some point, they have different contents makes one more effective than the other.

The Sodium Alginate content found in the Gaviscon Advance is twice as much as the one found in the original Gaviscon. As such, it becomes more effective in fighting acids, it creates a stronger wall or barrier for the stomach lining and works better than the original Gaviscon.

What to note: Neither of these two antacids is to be purchased without the prescription of the doctor. A doctor needs to identify if your problem is truly acid-related to recommend either of these two. You, therefore, need to visit a doctor first before purchasing them from available pharmacies. They are a great relief from the discomfort that comes with excess acid in the stomach.