
Difference Between Krill and Shrimp

Difference Between Krill and Shrimp

Despite the fact that they are both crustaceans, krill and shrimp are two distinct kinds of creatures with their own orders of classification. Although both the krill and the shrimp have three segments in their bodies, the krill is the more complex of the two.

krill is smaller in size compared to shrimp, which is comparably bigger and has an extended body. However, both species have a similar body shape in terms of size. In comparison to shrimp, which have a lifetime of around 1 to 6 years, krill have an approximate lifespan of approximately 7 to 8 years.

Krill Vs. Shrimp

It is important to note that the distinction between krill and shrimp is that krill belong to the Euphausiacea order, while shrimp belong to the Nathania suborder of the Decapoda order. Although it has been said that krill only has 85 different species, it is really more than 1900 different species. When compared to shrimp, krill are much smaller in size. Furthermore, krill are translucent, but shrimp are vibrantly colored

A significant trophic level relationship between the food chains is thought to exist in the form of krill. They eat a variety of planktons and zooplankton as food. They are the primary source of nutrition for the vast majority of fish and bigger animals. Krill has been utilized as a food source for humans in a number of different places throughout the years. As a fish food source, krill is also used in the aquaculture business.

Shrimp may be found in abundance in the wild. They play an important part in the food supply chain. In order to consume shrimp, the muscular section of the shrimp must be removed. They are omnivore creatures, which means that their food source may be either plants or animals depending on the species. The bigger shrimps are more likely to be sought for commercial usage than the smaller shrimps. Larger shrimps are referred to as prawns, and they are the subject of a much larger business.

What exactly are Krill?

Krill are little crustaceans belonging to the order Euphausiacea, and it has been stated that there are 85 distinct species of krill in the world’s oceans. Krill are a kind of crustacean that can be found in the oceans of the globe. When completely formed, the krill is around 6 cm in length and weighs one gram in weight. The krill has a longer life expectancy than the fish. That is, it has a lifespan of up to seven years. Most of the krill’s shell is translucent, yet it has a brilliant red color.

The krill is a kind of zooplankton that may float at the surface of the water and is subject to the whims of ocean currents, which is why it is called “krill”. It is impossible for them to swim in the water because they constantly shift their posture. The krill eat on the top of the water at night, but during the day, they dive deeper into the water column to find food. The Antarctic water is also said to have large populations of these creatures, according to some reports. A single brood of Antarctic krill may contain up to 8,000 eggs, and the breeding season can extend for up to 5 months.

In the nineteenth century, krill was seen as a valuable food source for both people and animals. Krill has long been recognized as a significant source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, and it has been utilized as a human food source since the early twenty-first century as nutritional supplements, animal feed, capsules, and other forms of supplementation. In addition, krill is employed in aquaculture as well as in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries as a fish food source.

What exactly is Shrimp?

Creatures with elongated and two-segmented bodies, such as the cephalothorax and abdomen, have been identified as shrimp. Its body color varies from species to species and may be impacted by factors like age, harvest season, food, and the location of the farm where it is raised. Cooking, on the other hand, causes the shrimps’ color to shift to a pink or reddish hue. Shrimp may be found in large quantities all throughout the world. When it comes to the food chain, shrimp are regarded to be a highly significant component. They provide food for bigger species ranging from fish to whales, among other things. Freshwater lakes and streams, as well as all of the world’s seas, are home to shrimp.

The length might range from a few millimeters to more than 20 centimeters. Shrimp range in size from 4 to 8 centimeters in length. It has slender, frail legs, which it uses mostly for perching. It is a little creature. The life expectancy ranges from one to seven years. The swimmable reverse is achieved with ease by bending the abdomen and the tail of the shrimp Small plants and animals are the major source of nutrition for most people. The female shrimp has the ability to deposit between 1500 and 14000 eggs, which are linked to her swimming legs. Furthermore, swimming larvae have the ability to go through the five phases of development before becoming juveniles. Prawns are shrimp that are greater in size than the average shrimp.

To prepare shrimp tails for human consumption, the shrimp’s muscular tails are shaved and de-veined before being cooked. Shrimp is low in fat and high in protein, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, making them an excellent source of nutrition. It has also been captured and utilized for agricultural purposes, in addition to its other uses. Currently, the world’s supply of shrimp exceeds the world’s demand for shrimp. The commercial shrimp species is supported by the industry to the tune of around 50 billion dollars each year.

Difference Between krill and shrimp

  • The krill’s body is divided into three segments: a cephalon, a thorax, and an abdomen. In contrast, the shrimp’s body is divided into just two segments: a cephalothorax and an abdomen.
  • Krill have an average life span of 10 years, while shrimp have an average life span of two years.
  • Shrimp have two sets of antennae, but krill only have one pair of antennae
  • Krill are herbivores, which means they eat plants. Shrimp, on the other hand, are omnivorous creatures.
  • Krill are normally smaller in size; however, shrimp are much greater in size than krill.


Although both krill and shrimp are crustaceans, they are classified into two separate orders. When compared to shrimp, krill are much smaller in size. There are 85 species of krill that have been identified too far, while there are 1900 species of shrimp that have been identified. As well as contributing to the food chain, they provide a valuable source of nutrition to various fish and bigger animals.

Shrimp farming has had a significant positive impact on the industry. Whereas the krill is a rich source of proteins and omega -3 fatty acids are used as capsules, dietary supplements, etc. Both species get several advantages, and it has been shown that it is beneficial to both animals and humans.