
Difference between Memo and Letter

Difference between Memo and Letter

Although they are very similar terms, there are many differences between memos and letters. Many people believe they are identical, as both the memo and the letter serve the same purpose. It is now clear that they are distinct from one another.

Letter Vs.Memo

The main difference between a memo and a letter is informal communication between people, however, whereas a memo can be used to inform others, whereas if you use a letter, it is formal and informal.

A memo (or memorandum) is an official message that employees use in business offices. A memo is useful for internal business communication. It provides information and answers. It is a message that is written in long sentences and sent from one department of the company or firm to another.

A letter sends a written message to another person. This is information storage, which can take both formal and informal forms. They can be written by a person to provide information, send messages to another person, or report on another person’s condition.

What is a Memo?

A memo or memo is a type of written communication that is beneficial to businesses or offices. A memo is a format that allows colleagues to share information in the form of letters, notes, or binders. This memo is used for internal communication within a company. A memo is written from one perspective to all others, such as delivering a message or information to an audience. A memo can be used to inform the group member of the company event or provide information about the project to the team. It also informs the employee about the company’s actions.

A memo is used to inform the company about an event or request its action. The format for the memo is a clear header. This shows who sent it, title, date, and subject. Next, you will see the message or information from the individual. Finally, you will find the summary. The format is usually an introduction, body, and conclusion. All of these are included in the memo and serve a clear purpose.

The heading provides the main topic. Next, the discussion takes place about the topic. Finally, the conclusion is made. This is usually the announcement that an employee makes on behalf of the company. It can contain information, feedback, or a legal document that can reflect the policies and procedures of the organization. The employee may also be mentioned in it.

What is a Letter?

A letter is a form of written communication, which can be handwritten or printed on white paper. You can send it by mail or post it by letter. It is a one-to-1 conversation between the parties. Today, email, texts, and other communication methods are the norm, while letters have fallen out of fashion. Letters are still the preferred method of formal communication. The important medium of communication, however, is through letters. This includes a cover letter for a job, reminders from banks, and acceptance letters from colleges.

Letters are written in two formats, formal and informal. Other types of letter writing include business letters and official letters. It can be written in many formats, including adding notes, letters, and postcards. A letter can be written between friends, family, or lovers, which is called informal letters. However, a letter that is exchanged between clients and customers is known as formal letter writing.

Difference between memo and letter

The non-verbal communication mode of writing is letter and memo.

  • Memos are informal communication that is used to have internal business conversations.
  • Letters, on the other hand, are formal and informal communication that allows clients to exchange ideas or send messages to their friends.
  • A memo written by someone is more concise than letters because the message is short and the letters are longer.
  • While it is not one-to-one communication, the letters are one-to-one interpersonal communication that is private.
  • While a memo does not require a signature, a letter does.
  • Memo uses technical terms to write content, while letter uses simple terms.


Both communications take place primarily in the office. However, the advent of technology has made handwritten correspondence less common. For bank purposes, any application to the school must be submitted in writing.

Both methods of communication are equally effective, as they can be used for internal business communication and external business communication. Now that we know the main difference, it is easy to tell the difference between a memo and a letter.