
Difference Between Print Media and Electronic Media

Difference Between Print Media and Electronic Media

Throughout history, print and electronic media have had a significant impact on the globe. The world’s news is disseminated via the media to the general public. The populace is well-versed with the locations of every country. It is possible to disseminate the information in less than a minute.

Media Types: Print Vs. Online

To put it simply, Print Media does not utilize the most up-to-date methods of transmitting information to the globe, while Electronic Media employs the most up-to-date methods of transmitting information to the world. Print media, on the other hand, cannot be altered after publication.

Print media is the most traditional form of communication still in use today. During the partition, there were local newspapers that distributed news door-to-door. In addition to newspapers, print media includes magazines, pamphlets, and wedding invitations. If you ask Print Media, they don’t utilize any kind of technology.

As a result of the rapid spread of electronic media, information may now be sent instantly from one person to many. When digitization spread over the globe, it grew even more. The advent of smartphones and computers, along with a plethora of other digital tools, has revolutionized the way we live our everyday lives.

Print Media

There were no digital media before print media. Additionally, print media was a major tool during the early British reign. Print media operates in a variety of ways and disseminates information to a large audience via numerous formats.

Since it’s printed on paper, it’s referred to as Print Media. These include newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, and even books. Typing on a typewriter and having the content printed on paper is now possible because of advancements in technology.

Then, as technology progressed, photographs could be reproduced, and, subsequently, color technology allowed the print mediums to produce more vibrant printed goods. The newspaper is the world’s oldest continuously published medium for disseminating information. In addition to enhancing your vocabulary and reading comprehension, reading the newspaper is a great way to keep up with current events.

Schoolchildren are taught how to write advertisements and articles, and the best way to learn these abilities is through studying the newspaper. As a result, magazines emerged as a new medium for publishing attractive ads, including those for private residential parks, shopping malls, and other public spaces.

Electronic Media

Since millions of individuals can get information in a split second by pressing a single button or seeing a single screen, electronic media is a significant improvement over traditional print media. Everyone who came into contact with it was captivated, not just those who were using it.

For the first time, the general populace had access to international news and sporting events through radios. With the usage of electronic media, the audience may hear the message even if the speaker is in a different state or nation.

Having a TV in your house became the norm since the screen displayed movies or news updates on a regular basis. All of the languages spoken in the world were represented. In the past, this was seen as a sign of social status. Because the images on television were first in black and white, it piqued the curiosity of viewers and created more opportunities for performers.

Jobs were created as a result of technological advancements, but only when those technologies are controlled by real people. Technology has never taken people’s jobs; rather, it has provided them with opportunities to make a living. A major shift in society was brought about by technology.

Difference between Print and Digital media

  • Unlike electronic media, print media is not a brand-new innovation in the world of communication.
  • Print media cannot be altered, while electronic media may be edited.
  • Print media is slower than electronic media.
  • In contrast to print media, electronic media may be accessed at any time.
  • Radio, television, and the internet are all forms of electronic media, as opposed to print media.
  • The ability to send electronic media throughout the globe is greater than that of sending print media.


Print media includes newspapers, periodicals, and books, whereas electronic media includes radio, television, and the internet. A variety of inks are used to print the information on paper. In the past, this was seen as a sign of social status. The first black and white images on television piqued the curiosity of viewers. In contrast to print media, electronic media can be found at all times. E-media may be transmitted to everyone in the globe at any time.