
Difference Between Rectangle and Parallelogram

Difference Between Rectangle and Parallelogram

A rectangle is a plane figure formed by four line segments called “extremities”. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral figure with two pairs of parallel sides. It is the result of stretching two triangles together.

Parallelogram and rectangle are two shapes that you might have heard of. However, the word ‘parallelogram’ is an abstract term.

A rectangle is a closed plane figure having four right angles; it has the length of its base parallel to the base. A parallelogram is an open plane figure having two sides parallel to each other and two opposite sides not parallel to each other; it has the length of its sides perpendicular to its base.

A parallelogram is shorter than a rectangle because the length of its sides is perpendicular to its base, while the length of a rectangle’s side is parallel to its base. Therefore, a parallelogram has a more significant length factor than a rectangle.

Rectangle Vs. Parallelogram

A Parallelogram is a two-dimensional figure formed by two similar intersecting lines, with all angles being right angles. A Rectangle is a two-dimensional figure formed by four non-intersecting sides, with three angles being right angles.

Comparing rectangles and parallelograms can be a bit tricky. However, if you learn the differences, you will better understand shapes in general. Rectangles are more similar to squares, while parallelograms are more like triangles. This means that both sides of a rectangle have equal length. At the same time, the sides of a parallelogram form an angle at their end.

The rectangle is one of the most valuable shapes in geometry. It can be drawn in many different ways, but this shape is usually seen as a two-dimensional (2D) figure with four equal sides and all right angles. In addition to being simple to draw, it also has many uses in engineering architecture and everyday life.

The parallelogram is one of the most valuable shapes. If a parallelogram is drawn in an angle instead of the straight-line method with its diagonals, it can be used to trap multiple lines of sight into space. A pair of mirrors are opposite one another, and when you look at them from behind, objects that block your view will appear exactly where they intersect underneath.

What is a Rectangle?

The rectangle is geometric. Its shapes are seen on the two-dimensional plane. It belongs to a three-dimensional space with its distance from another point known as sides. Based on the principles, rectangles can be made using straight edges like pencil or chalk. However, there is also one tool named Hexagon available in the computer industry used for doing Rectangles too at a fraction of time and cost.

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. The two pairs of parallel sides are called the ‘legs’, and the other two sides are called the ‘sides’. The legs and the sides both meet at right angles to each other. Rectangles have four right angles, which means four 90° corners.

Rectangles are classified according to their length and width. A rectangle is said to be a square if its length and width are the same, but it is not necessarily a square in shape. Rectangles that have different lengths and widths are called oblongs.

Rectangles can also be classified according to their diagonals. A rectangle has four diagonals, two from each corner. These meet at the center of the opposite side from where they start at the corner.

What is a Parallelogram?

A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel, non-intersecting sides. The opposite sides are called the “base” and the “opposite base.” A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. The parallelograms are classified as rectangles, rhombuses, and squares, depending on the shape of their opposite sides.

A parallelogram has four angles that are not equal. It also has four diagonals, two that cut across the sides of the parallelogram and two that span from one base to another base. Parallelograms can be either congruent or similar. If the opposite sides are parallel, then any similarity is called congruent. If the opposing sides are not parallel, the resemblance is identical.

A rhombus is a parallelogram of which one side is known as the longest leg, a diagonally opposite pair of sides are called the base and abase. The parallelogram is then composed of the longest diagonal, base, and abase. Rhombuses include well-known triangles of the world being rhomboids and parallelograms.

A square is a parallelogram with equal sides in length and area. The opposite base becomes identical to one side, making it rectangular because it has four right angles instead of two pairs-corner 90° turns at each corner (always 4). A square’s diagonals cross opposite corners on either diagonal line, which never intersects the hypotenuse.

Difference Between Rectangle and Parallelogram

  • The area of a rectangle is twice that of a parallelogram.
  • Rectangle has four right angles, while parallelogram has two pairs of right angles.
  • Rectangle has a straight line segment as its longest side; parallelogram does not have this type of side.
  • The angles at the rectangle’s corners are ninety degrees, while those of a parallelogram are not all 90 degrees.
  • Rectangles can be divided into smaller units by slicing straight sides; no such division is possible for parallelograms.
  • The length of a rectangle’s longest side is the same as its width, while that for a parallelogram is different; in particular, the length of the short edges is always shorter than their widths (by 1/2).


Rectangles are an approximation of parallelograms. They can be divided into smaller areas using a straight line, but can’t you divide them evenly up the rest of their sides that leaves all four angles at ninety degrees (4×90 = 360°) because in strips 4 isn’t divisible by 90. Parallelograms don’t have this problem since they’re always square, which means you could use a kite string placed inside the parallelogram to get a rectangle.