
Difference Between Paraphrasing and Summarizing

Difference Between Paraphrasing and Summarizing

While we are in different situations, such as when writing a research paper, we hunt for and extract selected material from numerous sources that will help us to support our thesis. We have a tendency to attempt to do this by paraphrasing or summarizing information from various sources on occasion.

Paraphrasing Vs. Summarizing

The primary difference between paraphrasing and summarising is that paraphrasing is the act of writing any content in your own words and is roughly the same size or similar in size to the original text, whereas summarising is the act of mentioning only the most important points of any work in your own words and is significantly shorter in length than the original text.

On the one hand, paraphrasing is the process of putting the ideas of another writer into your own words after they have been placed into your own language.

Summarizing, on the other hand, occurs after you have used your own words to expand the major points or primary arguments of the original text, resulting in a significant reduction in the length of the text.

What is Paraphrasing?

A simple definition of paraphrasing is to comprehend a given material in order to decode it in one’s own words in such a manner that the meaning of the original text is not altered. This entails the elimination of text that is repeated in any format.

In layman’s terms, paraphrasing is the process of comprehending the notion of a few issues from another writer’s work and then reworking it into your own style of thinking and speaking about them. When compared to the original content, paraphrased information is comparable in length or somewhat less in length.

Typically, paraphrasing is required in order to support your argument or goal. It adds legitimacy and depth to your writing by supporting the content you’ve chosen to write about.

It is often used in the following ways:

  • When you need to include another writer’s work into your own writing.
  • When it seems that quotations are not being used in the text.
  • When the thoughts are more important than the style of writing used to convey them.

In the event that you want to make another person’s task easier in order for them to comprehend you better.

What is Summarizing?

Summarizing is a writing technique that is used when you need to quickly get to the primary point or plan of a piece of writing. It is a condensed form of writing in your own words that includes just the most important points of the text. When compared to the original text, the outline is much shorter. It does away with the text’s rationale or justification for being there. Only the most important parts or the most basic information are presented.

In layman’s terms, summarising is the process of directing attention to those writings or contents that demonstrate the major point of the original or current writing that you are currently working on. It’s generally used when you want to attract attention to a particularly important issue. Furthermore, when you wish to detach yourself from the original material, summarising is the finest alternative to select from the available options.

It is often used in the following ways:

  • When just the author’s major ideas are required to be understood.
  • When simply a rough overview of the whole project is required.
  • When there is a need for simplicity.
  • When just the most important points of the work need to be summarised; otherwise,

Difference between Paraphrasing and Summarising

  • To paraphrase is to create a particular material in your own words, but to summarise is to discuss just the essential points and add the supporting evidence to support those ideas.
  • While paraphrasing and summarising are both around the same length or similar in length to the original text, summarising is much less than the original.
  • If you have taken notes and want to create a case for a chart or diagram, you may employ paraphrasing after you have taken notes. A summary, on the other hand, allows you to use a larger percentage of the text, if not the whole document, and cover just the most important topics and themes in a few phrases, whilst paraphrasing helps to emphasize the vital components of a larger text.
  • In addition, the goal of paraphrasing is to make the original work easier to understand, but the goal of summarising is to display just the most important parts without providing any meaningful explanation about the subject matter.
  • It is essential to prevent plagiarism when paraphrasing in order to produce a text or document of higher quality and originality. When it comes to summarising, as long as the thoughts or themes originate with the author, you must continue to credit the author as the source of the concepts or themes. It is vital to give him or her due credit.


Because paraphrasing and summarising are closely related phrases, many people get confused and mistakenly believe that they are the same thing.

Paraphrasing and summarising are two techniques that may be used to write a nice and successful essay. When dealing with scientific concepts, they are an essential must.

In addition, it is crucial to remember that paraphrasing and summarising are acceptable as long as proper credit is provided to the original source or writer involved. The world should be free of plagiarism and incapable of being tracked.