
Difference between Rectangle And Trapezoid

Difference between Rectangle And Trapezoid

A quadrilateral, a structure of two dimensions with four sides, is a 2-dimensional structure. A trapezoid and a rectangle are both quadrilaterals with prominent differences.

In simple words, The difference between a rectangle and a trapezoid is that the trapezoid has a longer base than it does a height.

A rectangle is a shape with two parallel straight lines that are next to each other, whereas a trapezoid has one straight line and two parallel lines.

Rectangles can be either square or rectangular, whereas trapezoids are always triangular.

It is possible to get confused between these terms. This may lead to questions such as: What are the differences in their structures? Is one parallelogram or the other? What are their differences in terms of diagonals?

Rectangle Vs. Trapezoid

A rectangle is a parallelogram that has two parallel sides. It also includes four right angles. A trapezoid, on the other hand, is a figure that has only one pair parallel opposite sides and may or not have a 90deg angle. A trapezoid does not have to have opposite sides.

A rectangle is a quadrilateral that has four right angles. Rectangle is derived from the Latin word “rectangulus”, which can be divided into rectus, meaning right, and angle. The opposite sides are equal and parallel, while the diagonals divide each other and are equal in a rectangle.

A trapezoid, on the other hand, is a quadrilateral that has two parallel sides. Trapezoid comes from the Greek word trapezion, which means small table. A trapezoid is a pair of opposing sides that are parallel. The diagonals intersect in trapezoid.

Another simple introduction can be; A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides, one pair at right angles to the other. In contrast, a rectangle has four right angles.

The difference between these two shapes is that the trapezoid has two parallel sides while the rectangle has four. The shape of a rectangle is created by connecting opposite pairs of opposite sides and then connecting those adjacent pairs together with their shared side, forming four right angles.

What is Rectangle?

A quadrilateral is a rectangle, which means that it can be described as a rectangle. A figure that has four sides and two pairs of opposites. It has four 90deg angles. The Latin word “rectangle” is derived from the Latin term “rectangulus”, which can be divided into “rectus” meaning right, and “angulus” meaning angle.

It is composed of two equal diagonals, which are parallel to each other. From the point of intersection, you can draw a circle that passes through all four corners of a rectangle. The sum of any two angles adjacent to a rectangle is 180deg. The sum of all angles within a rectangle is 360deg.

A square is a special kind of rectangle that has all sides equal. Parallelograms are also possible with a rectangle, which has two parallel sides.

What’s Trapezoid?

A trapezoid refers to a quadrilateral with two parallel opposite sides. A trapezoid can also refer to a quadrilateral that has more than one parallel side. A trapezoid can be a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel opposite sides.

Trapezoid is derived from the Greek term trapezion, which means a small table. A trapezoid’s diagonals need not be identical. They simply intersect one another. Because it only has one pair of parallel sides, a trapezoid does not qualify as a parallelogram.

Many times, a trapezoid has been called a trapezium. A trapezoid’s two sides are not always equal. 360deg is also the sum of all angles in a trapezoid. The angles of a trapezoid can be right or wrong.

Difference between Trapezoid And Rectangle

  • The Difference between Rectangle and Trapezoid is a popular math question. This article will help you understand the difference between these two shapes.
  • A rectangle has four right angles. Of these two are equal sides and two are parallel sides. A trapezoid, on the other hand, is a quadrilateral that only has one pair of parallel sides.
  • A trapezoid has four sides while a rectangle has only two. The area of a trapezoid is less than that of a rectangle when they are the same size because the area of a trapezoid is determined by the length of its base and height.
  • These two shapes are similar in many ways, but they are different in some ways. The difference between the two is the height of the rectangle.
  • A trapezoid has a shorter base than a rectangle. A trapezoid has only one pair of parallel sides and its height is less than half its length.
  • The diagonals of rectangles are equal and they divide each other. However, the trapezoid’s diagonals are not equal and just intersect each other.
  • The Latin word “rectangulus” is the root of the word rectangle, while the Greek word “trapezion” is the source of the word trapezoid.
  • A rectangle is a parallelogram, while a trapezoid cannot be considered a parallelogram.
  • A rectangle has two parallel sides, while a trapezoid only has one.
  • A rectangle can be considered to be a trapezoid in a broad sense. However, a trapezoid cannot be considered a rectangle
  • The difference between a rectangle and a trapezoid is that the trapezoid has two parallel sides, while the rectangle has four equal sides.
  • The difference between a rectangle and a trapezoid is that the area of a rectangle is always equal to the sum of the areas of its two sides, while the area of a trapezoid is always less than or equal to the sum of its two sides.
  • Rectangles are two-dimensional shapes with four straight edges, while trapezoids are three-dimensional shapes with only two straight edges. In geometry, a rectangle has four right angles and trapezoids have three right angles.


Mathematics has many parallelograms and quadrilaterals, each with its own characters and structures. It is easy to confuse any two of these. Both trapezoid and rectangle are quadrilaterals. However, a rectangle is a parallelogram, while a trapezoid a not.

A rectangle can have two pairs of parallel sides that are equal or opposite, and it also has four right angles. A trapezoid only has one pair of parallel sides. The diagonals intersect in a parallelogram, but the diagonals divide each other. There are significant differences between them in their structures.